In comparison, the Japanese version was seen as a step down due to how much the voice cast had aged. In the U.S., the English dub also helped in this regard in terms of the acclaim it received: the scripts used were far more accurate than the original dub, and many characters were recasted to the fandom's approval (particularly Freeza). This likely has to do with the West's lower tolerance for Padding compared to Japan, making Kai a much more appealing proposition. It was only because of its success in the West that The Final Chapters was made.
Dragon ball z kai the final chapters full episodes series#

Others are glad, however, because they are tired of the references of them and Dragon Ball Z Abridged, or just don't like their shtick.

Some fans are sad/mad that their audio was cut before the episode aired, thinking that their performances should have been left intact, since it's their usual shtick of making fun of the series, just turned Up to Eleven, and they enjoy the self-parody the dub team tried to sneak in. The use of Team Four Star for the Cell Games Reenactment.Some also feel that she was only cast simply because she was a big name at the time. Some are fine with it, but others feel like her voice didn't fit the character. The DVD releases were also affected beginning with the fifth DVD set. The English dub followed suit starting with episode 64 and all reruns of episodes previous to this. Yamamoto's soundtrack was replaced with the original Japanese DBZ soundtrack. note Which doesn't exist in Japan's legal code. When Yamamoto was revealed to have plagiarized most of his songs from Western artists and his score was subsequently replaced with Kikuchi's, the fandom was broken up again as to whether Yamamoto's actions were plagiarism that deserved to be punished or were inspirations/homages that fall under fair use. note Often Nostalgia Filter and/or simply personal preference. Kenji Yamamoto's score split the fandom between those who thought it helped give Dragon Ball a fresh look for a newer generation and those who preferred Shunsuke Kikuchi's score for one of a variety of reasons.And then there's a third group who compare the voices, with not a lot of attachment to either actor and say which ones they thought were better. Others hate the changes because they prefer the original voice actors, as they grew up listening to them when DBZ was on the air. Some fans like it because they feel that the new voice actors did a very good job and that their voices suit the characters better. The casting changes for some of the characters in the English dub.Some hardcore DBZ fans have denounced Kai as dishonoring the original series by removing much of the character inherent in the extended stories, while others enjoy the much faster-paced plot, due to most of the filler padding out fights and other scenes to a near crawl."Only a Chilling Elegy", Frieza's Leitmotif.For the second, there's the Engrish "Fight it Out" and the Japanese theme, "Kuu Zen Zetsu Go." Which one's better usually depends on personal preference. "Dragon Soul" and "Sanjou!! Ginyu Tokusentai!!" for the first half.